Choreographer Vaibhavi Merchant has become a star in her own right. By Claire Halliday.
"It was a big no-no for women in my family to take up a career in dance."
Vaibhavi Merchant, 29, draws deeply on her cigarette as she tells the tale of her cosseted upbringing in India, and how she, as the oldest child in a middle-class family in which her father has a thriving construction business and her mother is a housewife, broke the mould to dive into the world of choreography at the age of 17.
"I was a very protected child," Merchant says as she points a slender finger towards a shopfront just a few metres along the footpath. "Even if I had to walk from here to there I would have had to take a servant with me. Girls were looked after like that. Getting into the film industry and being a choreographer? I think going to the moon would have been far easier," she says.
Never mind that her grandfather, Hiralalji Merchant, was one of the founding fathers of choreography in the vibrant film industry that has come to be known as Bollywood.
"It was seen as OK for him to do, but not for the women in my family," she says. "Initially it was a very male-dominated profession. There are lots of female choreographers now. Now women have come to kick all those people's butts."
Merchant's own butt-kicking style seems to have paid off. At the age of 21, her work as a choreographer scored her the Indian version of the Oscar when she took home a National Award for her first Bollywood film.
Now, the diva of dance is a star in an industry worth billions of dollars, travelling the world at a frantic pace to keep up with the Bollywood film industry that pumps out films more regularly than most people brush their teeth.
"I am involved in maybe three films a month," Merchant says. "I have done maybe 100."
And in between all those movie shoots, Merchant has had a stage production to worry about. Technically, with Barbados-born writer and director Toby Gough at the helm, it's not really Merchant's gig, but, given that the story charts her family's tale through the colourful history of Bollywood, and the fact that Merchant has a reputation as a dragon lady with a perfectionist streak that human foibles cannot possibly mar, her presence in Australia - fresh off the plane from "Film City", Mumbai - is hardly surprising.
For the past week, her younger sister and assistant choreographer, Shruti, has been guiding the troupe of dancers through their high-energy paces.
"Now I am here to make sure everything is OK for the opening night," she says. "That's what I like doing."
The reason she is chosen as the choreographer for so many productions, she says, is because of this reputation.
"I am very organised," Merchant says. "I'm on a roll now in my career. People in India come and see movies because of the choreographer. They come and see them because of me."
The Merchants of Bollywood opens at Her Majesty's Theatre, city, tonight, and runs until October 30. Tickets: $54.90- $89.90. Tel: 132 849.
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